All your creative needs in one place


Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

Working in one of many locations.

Working in one of many locations.

Erika Osheroff Quinones


In the back of my mind, I thought I had a creative eye, but it wasn’t till 2008 when I created a video montage for my brother and his wife, 30 year wedding anniversary. As I watched the audience, watch the video, it was like they were responding to cue cards. The audience laughed, cried, and ooh and awed, at the right moments. At the end of the video, I was validated on my “calling” and that was the pivotal point in my journey to design.

I started in 2010 with the goal that Akire Designs will always aimed at being a boutique, consultative graphic design company. With that in mind, I set out to create a one on one business relations with local companies new and old, who were looking to update their design, create new designs or assisting in digital and print marketing.

Now, after 7 years of learning, growing, and networking, I live and breathe graphic design, which is my main area of focus. In addition, I do work with a team who has many years’ experience within the fields of marketing, advertising, web design, and social media. Along with my team, we develop Collateral identities for the clients.

I continue my journey through several different platforms, such as having the opportunity of participate in John Hopkins Leadership classes, continual training in freelance graphic design and the latest technology, to running a business all through my connections as an Ambassador with the Chamber of Commerce.